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Sandvik Coromant - 298mm Min Bore Diam, Steel and Aluminium Modular Boring Cutting Unit Head - 4.4882" Max Bore Depth, Through Coolant - Benchmark Tooling

Sandvik Coromant - 298mm Min Bore Diam, Steel and Aluminium Modular Boring Cutting Unit Head - 4.4882" Max Bore Depth, Through Coolant

Item #: 46621728
Brand: Sandvik Coromant
Model #: 7213271
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Product Specifications
Series Name CoroBore XL
Minimum Bore Diameter (mm) 298.00
Minimum Bore Diameter (Decimal Inch) 11.7323
Maximum Bore Depth (mm) 114.00
Maximum Bore Depth (Decimal Inch) 4.48819
Toolholder Material Steel and Aluminium
Through Coolant Yes
Maximum Bore Diameter (mm) 380.00
Maximum Bore Diameter (Decimal Inch) 14.9606
Head Diameter Excluding Insert (mm) 40.00
Head Diameter Excluding Insert (Decimal Inch) 1.5748
Includes 265.2-817_Key; 3021 010-080_Key; 3021 010-140_Key; 5335 001-01_Stop plate set; 5680 049-02_Key; A40-RXLS24-AM2 062_Bridge; S12-R820XLR40SSYP18_Cartridge; S24-R820XLS12-012_Slide

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