Cutting Tools - Indexable Tooling & Inserts - Indexable Milling - Milling Inserts - (5433 Products)
47N10004T6RA45 Grade IN2005 End Mill Tip
Item #: IC045840387
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5840387
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 47N10004T6RA45
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Connection: T06
•Cutting Diameter: .390
•Grade: IN2005
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•ISO Number: 47N10004T6RA45
•Length: 4mm
•Model Number: 47N10004T6RA45
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Number of Flutes: 4
•Radius: -
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Type: Milling Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4000
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490R-08T308E-MM Grade S30T Milling Insert
Item #: FF8749053920
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5853558
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 490R-08T308E-MM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: MM
•Chip Breaker Application: Medium
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Cutting Edge: .220
•Depth of Cut: .2165
•For Use With: Non Ferrous
•Grade: S30T
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .110
•Insert Shape: Square
•IC: 8mm
•ISO Number: 490R-08T308E-MM
•Lead Angle: 90°
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: 490R-08T308E-MM
•Mounting Hole Diameter: .110
•Mounting Style: Screw Clamping
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Parallel Land: .0472
•Radius: .032
•Rake: Positive
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Style: 490R-08
•Thickness: .130
•Type: Milling Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0049
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NNE 324108 Grade IN2030 - Milling Insert
Item #: IC045840579
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5840579
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: NNE324-108
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Grade: IN2030
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•IC: 0
•ISO Number: NNE324-108
•Length: .500
•Model Number: NNE324-108
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Thickness: .250
•Type: Milling Insert
•Width: .485
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0400
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TNGU120708PER-MJ Grade AH120 Milling Insert
Item #: TG436730265
Manufacturer: Tungaloy
Mfg #: 6730265
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Tungaloy
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Steel Stainless Steel Cast IronHard MaterialsHi-Temp Alloys
•Grade: AH120
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Insert Shape: Triangle
•ISO Number: TNGU120708PER-MJ
•Length: 11mm
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: TNGU 120708PER-MJ
•Radius: 0.8mm
•Steel (P): x
•Thickness: 7.04mm
•Type: Milling Insert
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0210
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ANHU 160708R Grade IN2540 - Milling Insert
Item #: IC045871988
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5871988
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: ANHU160708R
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Grade: IN2540
•IC: 0
•ISO Number: ANHU160708R
•Length: .590
•Model Number: ANHU160708R
•Thickness: .436
•Type: Milling Insert
•Width: 0
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0500
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T490 LNHT 080408PNR IC808
Item #: EH5606321
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5606321
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Grade: IC808
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0250
•Dimensions - Height: .160 Length: .330 Width: .270
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DPM434R045 Grade IN2005 Milling Insert
Item #: IC045820445
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5820445
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: DPM434R045
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Grade: IN2005
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•IC: -
•ISO Number: DPM434R045
•Length: .984
•Model Number: DPM434R045
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Radius: .150 Wiper
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: DPM434R045
•Thickness: .375
•Type: Milling Insert
•Width: .695
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0000
•Dimensions - Height: .500 Length: 5.25 Width: 2.25
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UNEU1307RM Grade IN2530 Milling Insert
Item #: IC046126014
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 6126014
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: UNEU1307RM
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Coating: TiAlN/TiN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Grade: IN2530
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•IC: 13mm
•ISO Number: UNEU1307R-M
•Model Number: UNEU1307R-M
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Style: UNEU1307
•Thickness: 7mm
•Type: Milling Insert
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0250
•Dimensions - Height: .200 Length: .500 Width: .500
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326R06-B2502006-CH Grade 1025 Milling Insert
Item #: FF82326R6010077
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6010077
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: 326R06-B2502006-CH
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: CH
•Chip Breaker Application: Medium
•Coating: TiCN + TiN
•Coating Process: PVD
•For Use With: Steel
•Grade: 1025
•Hole Size: .165
•Insert Shape: Cylindrical
•IC: .228
•ISO Number: 326R06-B2502006-CH
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: 326R06-B2502006-CH
•Radius: .008
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Style: 327R-08
•Trade Name: CoroMill 326
•Type: Milling Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .2500
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Item #: EH5605377
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5605377
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Grade: IC910
•Steel (P): x
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0600
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Item #: EH5605384
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5605384
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Coating: TiAlN
•Grade: IC908
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Material: Carbide
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0410
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R390.17 04 16M-PM Grade 4220 Milling Insert
Item #: FF87R39040082
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5745826
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: R390.17 04 16M-PM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: PM
•Chip Breaker Application: Medium
•Coating: TiCN + Al2O3 + TiN
•Coating Process: MTCVD
•Depth of Cut: .6181
•For Use With: Steel
•Grade: 4220
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Insert Shape: Rectangular
•Insert Width: .378
•IC: 17mm
•ISO Number: R390.17 04 16M-PM
•Lead Angle: 90°
•Length: 17mm
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: R390.17 04 16M-PM
•Mounting Hole Diameter: .1614
•Mounting Style: Screw Clamp
•Parallel Land: .063
•Radius: .062
•Rake: Positive
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Steel (P): x
•Style: R390-17
•Thickness: .187
•Type: Milling Insert
•CoroMill® 390
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0200
•Dimensions - Height: .200 Length: .800 Width: .300
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MMTS.500-H125D-06T05 328
Item #: EH5603779
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5603779
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Grade: IC328
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0250
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R390.17 04 16M-PM Grade 1130 Milling Insert
Item #: FF87R3906971853
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6971853
Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Chip Breaker: PM
•Coating: AlTiCrN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Cutting Edge: 17.45mm
•Cutting Width: 9.6mm
•Depth of Cut: 15.7mm
•Flat (Secondary): 0.7mm
•Grade: 1130
•Hole Size: 4.1mm
•ISO Number: R390-17 04 16M-PM
•Model Number: R390-17 04 16M-PM
•Radius: 1.6mm
•Relief Angle: 11 deg
•Steel (P): x
•Thickness: 4.7625mm
•Type: Milling Insert
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0000
•Dimensions - Height: .500 Length: 5.25 Width: 2.25
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PNCU0805GNR Grade IN70N Milling Insert
Item #: IC045811959
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 5811959
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: PNCU0805GNR
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Grade: IN70N
•IC: .450
•ISO Number: PNCU0805GNR
•Length: .450
•Model Number: PNCU0805GNR
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Radius: .031
•Style: PNCU0805
•Thickness: .200
•Type: Milling Insert
•Width: .450
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0200
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MM HCD 124-090-2T08 Grade IC908 - Multi Master Cutter
Item #: EH5603545
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5603545
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: MM HCD124-090-2T08
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chamfer Length: 45 x .22
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Connection: T08
•Depth of Cut: .470
•Diameter: .488
•Grade: IC908
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•ISO Number: MM HCD124-090-2T08
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: MMHCD1240902T08
•Number of Flutes: 2
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Trade Name: Multi Master
•140° point angle for center drilling
•Countersinking for standard flat head cap screws
•Grade IC908- Good for wide range of materials
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0100
•Dimensions - Height: .700 Length: 2.00 Width: .700
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P290 ACKT 1806PDR-FW Grade IC830 Milling Insert
Item #: EH5606694
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5606694
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: P290 ACKT 1806PDR-FW
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Chip Breaker: FW
•Coating: AlTiN Sumo Tec
•Coating Process: PVD
•Grade: IC830
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Insert Height (in.): .236
•ISO Number: P290 ACKT 1806PDR-FW
•Length: .728
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: P290ACKT1806PDRFW
•Radius: .047
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Trade Name: MillShred
•Type: MillShred Insert
•Width: .421
•Single-sided rectangular insert
•2 Serrated cutting edges
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0300
•Dimensions - Height: .230 Length: .750 Width: .420
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SDES130515N-001 Grade IN4035 Milling Insert
Item #: IC042906872
Manufacturer: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
Mfg #: 2906872
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: SDES130515N-001
•Brand Name: Ingersoll Cutting Tools
•Coating Process: PVD
•Grade: IN4035
•IC: 13mm
•ISO Number: SDES130515N-001
•Length: .512
•Radius: .060
•Right/Left Hand: Neutral
•Thickness: .200
•Type: Milling Insert
•Width: .512
•For milling operations
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0400
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R390.18 06 12M-PM Grade 1010 Milling Insert
Item #: FF87R39044099
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 5746096
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: R390.18 06 12M-PM
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant
•Cast Iron (K): x
•Chip Breaker: PM
•Chip Breaker Application: Medium
•Coating: TiAlN
•Coating Process: PVD
•Depth of Cut: .6299
•For Use With: Hardened Material
•Grade: 1010
•Hard Materials (H): x
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•Hole Size: .163
•Insert Height (in.): .709
•Insert Shape: Rectangular
•Insert Width: .433
•IC: 18mm
•ISO Number: R390.18 06 12M-PM
•Lead Angle: 90°
•Length: 18mm
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: R390.18 06 12M-PM
•Mounting Hole Diameter: .1634
•Mounting Style: Screw Clamp
•Non-Ferrous (N): x
•Parallel Land: .047
•Radius: .047
•Rake: Positive
•Right/Left Hand: Right
•Steel (P): x
•Style: R390-18
•Thickness: .249
•Type: Milling Insert
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0300
•Dimensions - Height: .200 Length: .800 Width: .400
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H690 TNKX 160610PNTR 830 Milling Insert
Item #: EH5607650
Manufacturer: Iscar
Mfg #: 5607650
Technical Specifications:
•ANSI Number: H690 TNKX 160610PNTR
•Brand Name: Iscar
•Coating: PVD TiAlN
•Cutting Edge: -
•Grade: IC830
•Hi-Temp Alloys (S): x
•IC: 12mm
•ISO Number: H690 TNKX 160610PNTR
•Length: -
•Material: Carbide
•Model Number: H690TNKX160610PNTR
•Radius: 1mm
•Stainless Steel (M): x
•Steel (P): x
•Thickness: 10mm
•For use in the H690 series milling cutters
Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .0500
•Dimensions - Height: .400 Length: .630 Width: .630
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